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Beyond Fads and Woo-woo, Understand Chakras Better

Writer's picture: KinjalKinjal

It's one thing to wear all seven chakras bracelets around your wrist or buy crystals because somebody told you to. Only if wearing chakra bracelets or crystals magically solved our problems, we all would be seen walking around with those. The truth is that unless and until we start looking inward, no amounts of external tools, accessories, or stimulants will help reverse disease, improve our health, solve our problems, answer our questions.

Purple cartoon character pulling his lucky shirt on a string and exclaiming "There's me lucky shirt"

When I was in high school, I had a lucky shirt that I wore to all my exams. One day when I couldn't find it I panicked, emptied out my closet, my entire room was a mess. I was upset, angry, and scared.I frantically ran to my mum asking if she had seen it, if it was in the laundry. That day, I wore another shirt and went to school. I did well on my exam (because I had actually studied and worked hard during the school year), but I was still quite sad that the lucky shirt had disappeared and it was a mystery.... Shhh! don't tell my mum but I think she intentionally got rid of it, for exactly one reason - she didn't want me thinking I did well because of some lucky shirt and I am sure she saw how reliant I was on that tshirt and doubted my own capabilities and hardwork and reduced my worth to an external accessory. I feel like I have grown a lot (wisdom wise) since my high school days and recognize that unless we do the work, rely on our inner wisdom - whether it's for an exam, an interview, a challenging hike, or my own growth, or <insert your Mount Everest here> - no external aid or stimulant will resolve our issues for us.

Before we can solve any problem or achieve any goal, ie get to point B, we need to clearly understand where we currently are, ie our point A. Only then can we begin to figure out how to get from Point A to Point B. If you've ever swam or dove underwater, you're familiar with how easy it is to lose your frame of reference. If someone spun me around, I'd be helpless without my dive computer to help me navigate. Similarly, for life, for health, for optimal functioning, we need to invest in the calibration and upkeep of our internal dive computer. What makes up the dive computer? Regardless of what our belief systems maybe, we can all agree that our body comprises of physical, mental, and emotional parts. Therefore, first we need to establish a strong and deep relationship with our body, breath, and mind. This take commitment, practice, and time.

You may have heard the phrase "Listen to your gut feeling" or "I have knots in my stomach" What is this gut feeling that people refer to? <cue> Enter Chakras. There are many chakras in the human body, but most people refer to the seven main chakras when discussing this topic. Starting at the base of the spine with the Root Chakra (in Sanskrit - Muladhara Chakra)and going all the way to the crown of the head with the Crown Chakra (in Sanskrit - Sahasrara Chakra). Each chakra is associated with different organs/parts of the body, emotions, and habits or traits. When you start listening intently to your body and the signs its showing, you will be able to quickly pick up on what's doing well and what needs attention. When one or more chakras is out of balance, you may experience a range of symptoms ranging from physical to mental and emotional.

Yoga - asana (physical practice), pranayama (control of breath), and dhyana (meditation) - can help you connect with your physical and energetic body on a deeper level. Various yoga postures help open and strengthen various chakras. For example, bridge pose (setubandhasana) or camel pose (ustrasana) help open the fourth chakra/heart chakra (in Sanskrit - Anahata Chakra).

You can further your understanding of your chakra health and continue to maintain a balance by using essential oils, affirmations, healing music, and foods.

If you want to invest in your health, wellbeing, and achieve optimal functioning, I encourage you to make a commitment, learn, and practice. I am happy to be a source of support on your journey. You can sign up for my upcoming Chakra Opening workshop where each session will focus on a single chakra and dive deeper into how to connect, detect, heal, and strengthen our chakras, thereby improving our health and wellbeing. If you have questions or reflections, please send me a message, I'd be happy to connect with you.

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